What are the workshops?
Workshops are a great place to get live instruction from our Product Experts and ask questions about how Aftershoot works. We’ll walk you through the app step by step. They typically last about an hour and are hosted over Zoom.
What is covered in the workshops?
The Getting Started workshop covers everything you need to know to finish your first album with Aftershoot. You’ll see the entire workflow from start to finish along with answers to your questions. Have an idea for an additional type of workshop? Let us know at [email protected]!
Who should join?
Getting Started workshops are a great place for anyone working through their first few albums in Aftershoot or who is interested in a refresher on best practices.
Can I see the recording?
Absolutely! We send the recording to anyone who registers the day after the workshop.
How do I join the workshop?
Once you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and a calendar invite. Having trouble joining at the scheduled time? Reach out to [email protected] for help.
Are the workshops free?
Yes! Workshops are 100% free to join.

Get the Most of Aftershoot. See What It Can Do for You.

Introduction to Culling 1
Aftershoot edits
aftershoot lightroom
How to Edit 2 1 scaled
Culling preferences
Warning Tab Aftershoot
Spray can mode Aftershoot

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