Justin Benson
Welcome to After the Shoot, a podcast where we take a peek behind the lens to get inspired by the stories, challenges, and ideas of some of the most successful photographers in the business. I'm Justin Benson from Aftershoot, an AI culling and editing software that helps give photographers like you your time back so you can focus on what you do best while our magical unicorns take care of the most boring and time consuming parts of your job. I'll be your host for this podcast and I'm so excited to have you here as we talk with some of my favorite creators.
Episode Teaser
For me, as I am as a personality, like, I connect with my clients a lot by sharing the same value, the same style, whatever we love in life, we are really the same values. And the way to attract these type of clients goes beyond just showcasing photos.
Justin Benson
On this episode of After the Shoot, we're joined by the amazing, incredible, Lilly Red. Lilly is one of those people that enters a room and you know she's there. She's so unique and so exciting and funny. I just love spending time with her and I think you will too. In this episode, we're gonna discuss all of the ways that she really harnessed her uniqueness. She is an incredible person who has such eclectic and amazing taste, and she allows her own personality to shine through her images unlike any other. I highly recommend tuning in, checking out her work, and enjoying today's episode, harnessing your uniqueness with Lilly Red. Enjoy the show.
Justin Benson
Hey, everyone. Justin from Aftershoot here. Welcome to the Aftershoot podcast. And I am so excited to be interviewing the amazing, the fantastic Lilly Red.
Lilly Red
Nice to meet you. Ciao ciao.
Justin Benson
Thank you so much for joining us here. So we're obviously in probably one of the coolest locations. We have alpacas and llamas and all sorts of things hanging out here in Peru. And I wanted to take a little bit of time today on our podcast to just talk about you, the amazing photographer, and how you harness your uniqueness. So before we get too deep into it—
Lilly Red
Yeah, okay. That was a deep question.
Justin Benson
I want to go straight into the plot. So how did you get started in photography?
Lilly Red
So I started. So let's say I'm an artist. In my life, I've always been an artist. I'm the black sheep of my family because everybody's an engineer. It happened. I'm an artist. And, you know, they didn't. I thought that because I'm an artist, I didn't have any future in my life because, you know, you're supposed to work in the office forever. Instead, I want to prove to everybody that even if I'm an artist, I can make a successful career and ended up to be a photographer. So it was a great start. My beginning is not that fancy. I started because I needed money and it happened, the opportunity of my friends getting married. And they say, hey, I saw you taking picture of cakes. You know, very famous cake photographer they find.
Justin Benson
A cake photographer, wow.
Lilly Red
And, you know, I think a lot of photographers do stuff like that. You have friends of a friend, that see you photographing something something. And, you know, I didn't like weddings at that point because, you know, I have the idea of weddings. Like it to be like my mom picture very small.
Justin Benson
I have to pause you. So you took pictures of cakes?
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
Like, did you just go out looking for cakes to take photos of? Or like, did someone say, hey, can you come take pictures of this bakery?
Lilly Red
No, unfortunately, it wasn't pay. It was just for passion, like bake and styling and take photos. So that's the beginning of Lilly Red being a photographer. Thinking about maybe somebody one day is going to pay me. But it's very hard to be paid on the food photography compared to wedding. When they come and say, hey, we're going to pay you 500 euro for one day of wedding. I was like, yes, I gotta be a wedding photographer. At least I try. Even if the idea wasn't that standard. What if I miss the exchange of the ring? What if I miss this and that? You know what I love about wedding is that the couple asked me what to do since day one, and I felt empowered about like, wow, people trust me. And since that was the thing, the click for me, they said, like, they trust my vision. I can be myself. I'm going to make a career.
Justin Benson
That's amazing. Okay, so you went from cakes to weddings. And that's probably the most interesting transition I've heard of. So cake photography to wedding photography. And so when you started wedding photography, were you based in Italy? Where were you based when you started wedding?
Lilly Red
I was living in Doha, Qatar.
Justin Benson
Lilly Red
And it was very hard doing wedding there because there's no wedding there. The wedding is very strange. So I remember learning by doing by is the time before Instagram. So how you learn without the opportunity to be a second photographer to do a wedding? I just [took] online courses. Online courses in English. My English was very bad because, you know, I'm from Italy and I didn't learn English until I moved abroad in the Doha, Qatar. And from there, I started to photograph wedding in Italy because I have friends there and connection. And then from there, I expand all over the world.
Justin Benson
Now you're all over the world, and it's incredible. Photographing weddings in Italy and then all over the world. So cakes, weddings, Italy…
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
Chairs. So you're a chair photographer.
Lilly Red
I’m a chair photographer. But it’s just for myself. I'm still obsessed about chairs. I saw chairs there. I'm going to take photos after.
Justin Benson
They're beautiful chairs. This chair is actually metal. I'm shocked by this chair. So. All right, that's amazing. So you've literally just kind of created your own path.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
And that leads me to, like, the most important thing to me that I wanted to chat about today is you are a unique individual. So I've gotten to experience you for just over a year now. So I got to see all the ins and outs. I went to your workshop in Lake Cuomo, Italy, which, by the way, was absolutely incredible. Probably one of the best workshops.
Lilly Red
It was fun.
Justin Benson
And so that workshop really led me to this podcast because when I was sitting there, we had, it was probably, I think you'll correct me, but it was like a 1980s ish style, vogue, bathing suit. So, like, this shoot was so beautiful. It was like we had four models.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
They were chewing bubble gum. They had 1980s vintage vogue.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
They had old glasses and bathing suits and everything, vintage ice cream. And it was like you went above and beyond and created this beautiful space. And so I saw that and I said, there's not a lot of people who can do that. Right? Like, you could go do a styled shoot. Like, I could say, okay, I'm gonna go build something that I think is gonna be really cool for photographers that they'll take pictures of and they'll never be able to translate to anything. But you've been able to, unlike most people, take that passion and harness that unique ability you have and you incorporate it into your real life clients work.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
They come to you because you are so unique and special. So how did you do that? Like, what was step one to going, okay, I am unique, and I want to harness this uniqueness and go further.
Lilly Red
Step one is the most difficult thing you can do in your life as an artist is embrace yourself. Why so hard? Because we are afraid to be judged. We are afraid that what is going to be the result? What if the people are not going to like, or you are afraid that it's so different that maybe it goes into what I am doing? But I am tired to be like somebody else.
Like, in the beginning of my career, I was looking at the other photographer, the successful one, which is good to take a look. But, you know, I was about to copy, not take inspiration. And that bothers me so much as a person because I'm an artist. And I start to don't like any more photography because I was doing something that is supposed to be done instead of doing something that I really, really, really love.
So go back to this photoshoot. Like, for me, what inspired me the most is the past. Instead to go to look and something that I always say to people to do take a look about what is the culture, what is the experience, what makes you happy in life. And for me, like, where I grew up, I grew up in Italy is a place that I always been surrounded by art, by all time. And I had to give, I say, gratitude to my parents for that. Something that I always like. My parents are not teaching me anything, but, you know, you grow up and everything makes sense, right? And even this photoshoot was eighties inspired. I put together pieces. I went to the old market with my parents, I asked them what they think, and the end result of everything is always do something that makes you happy. That's it. Like, always learn from the other. Always see what is trending. Like now, right now, there is flash trends and there is a vintage camera. And I say to myself, okay, Lilly, incorporate to your work, but don't put yourself on the side. You still, you have your style. Bring those elements, but nothing. Eliminate yourself who you are. So that's my motto.
Justin Benson
That's amazing, because when I started my photography journey, I didn't like to look at other people's work because I was very, I either compared myself and said, oh, I'm not as good, or I looked at it and said, oh, I want to do what they did. I'm going to learn how to do what they did. And even to this day, I still, I've adapted and adjusted and I've brought in different techniques from different people, and I try and put my own spin on it. But it's very easy for us as creatives to say, okay, this is what I want my images to look like. So I'm gonna do what that person did. And then you're just replicating instead of creating.
Lilly Red
Because our brain is a lazy bear. They go like, oh, this is done. Oh, I replicate. You know, you have to say, no, that's not good.
Justin Benson
Lilly Red
Be yourself. Be yourself.
Justin Benson
And that's why it's so important, and that's why I'm so honored to have you here and chatting about this, because like I said, I think you are so unique and individual. If any of you ever have the chance to go watch Lilly speak, go to one of her workshops, attend one of her events, or just meet her in person. I mean, her outfit, everything, it's just unique. She's just her. And so that brings me to your clients.
Lilly Red
Yes, exactly.
Justin Benson
How do you find your clients? What do they look at you? Again, you said early on, we're always worried people are going to judge us.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
And you are creative. I'm the black sheep in my family, too. So we're the black sheeps. Right. How do we just go out and be us and still attract clients? Does anyone ever come in and say, oh, she's over the top?
Lilly Red
Yes, and it's okay. I 1000% agree and let it go if we don't match, I think showcase who you are is a great thing to do. With social media, thank you. But it's also repelling the clients that are not connected with you.
And for me, as I am, as a personality, like, I connect with my clients a lot by sharing the same value, the same style, whatever we love in life, we are really the same values. The way to attract these type of clients goes beyond just showcase photos. For me, it also showcase who I am. The personality. Showcase to clients that I'm the person they can trust. Showcase to the clients that I'm the person that brings them. Because, for example, 99% of my clients are American. They come to get married in Italy. And so I'm not just there to take a photo on a wedding day. They can ask me where to go eat. They can ask me where's the best place to go shopping, where to stay. And it's like everything is building on trust. And it's something that, like, on a wedding day, we're friends.
Justin Benson
Lilly Red
And this is the best.
Justin Benson
That's the best.
Lilly Red
We do whatever we want. Yes. Thank you.
Justin Benson
“Lilly, we trust you. Do everything you want to do.” Absolutely. So I think it's important to just. To harness you. Right. And if you get those clients and they don't book you, that's okay.
Lilly Red
That's okay.
Justin Benson
Because you'll find the ideal ones now when you have that sort of prowess behind you. So you are the Lilly Red. Like, I come to you because you are Lilly Red. I want you to work with me. So because they kind of get that distinction, that honor to be photographed by Lilly Red, I guess that comes at a premium. So you don't have to. You can charge a little bit more.
Lilly Red
I do.
Justin Benson
To give up for those clients that didn't book you because you've created an experience.
Lilly Red
I do. I do. Yes. Is it like they don't question about, okay, why you're three times more expensive than other photographers around is because I know that I am giving all of myself, like 1000% of myself. I know that I'm problem solving. You know, they're late. The boat is not coming. I need to take a photo in five minutes divided by the videographer. So it's like everything I say to myself when I'm on a wedding day, they pay for me for this reason. I'm a professional. I'm Lilly Red and give you everything I have to give them amazing photos.
Justin Benson
That's perfect. And that's. I love that because I know so many people are going to be sitting here watching this, listening to this, and they're going to say, yeah, I understand. She photographs like rich people. Rich American weddings in Italy, of course, you can charge a premium. But that's not true. I mean, that's literally, as you said, that I was sitting and saying, okay, I'm in Connecticut and I don't have a lot of luxury weddings in my area, but there's definitely people who would pay a premium to have me photograph their wedding. Because the experience.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
I'm not just. I'm not just your average photographer. I'm giving that 1000%, and going further.
Lilly Red
My clients are not that “standard luxury”.
Justin Benson
Lilly Red
They are very niche into to what I love. They’re luxury in a way that they value the experience, which I think nowadays, the new luxury is where. The freedom of. Where people are going to spend the money on it. Absolutely. I'm here for you.
Justin Benson
I love it. That's amazing. Okay, so that was absolutely incredible conversation. Lilly Red. Just a quick shout out because we're on the Aftershoot podcast. I do want to mention that you have your AI profile in Aftershoot.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
It's incredible. Someone actually just posted in the Facebook community and said, this is the best thing ever. It looks like my style. It's incredible. I've been using it because I love the look so much. It's just a really true, beautiful look. How did that come to fruition? How did you design that style?
Lilly Red
So I love this question. And actually, this is very interesting because when I talk with my clients, I also talk about editing. And it comes that I always say to my clients, I want something that is timeless. I want something that they're going to see the photos in 20 years. And they go like, okay, it's us, it's me. I want something that is a base. And then you can tweak based on, like, the sun is cloudy, you photograph in California compared to Mexico. Like, you need to always give this little bit of skin tone. Like, I'm super picky with the skin tone. So how I come up with a preset, I wanted something that is universal, timeless, but also with it fashionable. And, you know, you can tweak if this is something that you go like, that's the beauty of it is always. I tweak every time I preset, I do it and, like, adjustment. Good to go.
Justin Benson
I actually use it straight up. So, yeah, I don't even tweak on it. Yeah, I just run it through and I'm like, this is perfect. It's incredible. We're so, so, so blessed to have you as part of the Aftershoot family. I want to thank you for taking some time out of this amazing trip. I mean, to come sit with me and chat, and we're so, so excited to see all the amazing things that you do in the future. So thank you so much. If anyone wants to find out more, then go. You can go follow. You can go follow Lilly Red on Instagram. On the Instagram. Go follow her everywhere. You're gonna do another workshop in Lake Como, I'm hoping maybe in Italy or worldwide somewhere. I know. So it was an incredible workshop. Yeah, we're in Peru now. Never know where the next workshop is going to be. But definitely be sure to stay tuned to that workshop. It was unlike any workshop I've been to. Like I said, the details, the design, everything. It was so incredible. I was attending as after chute and I had my camera out, taking photos over people's shoulders because I was like, I want to hang these on my wall because they're just perfect. I want to hang these photos on my wall, which is such an honor. So thank you so much. And thank you guys so much for listening. Be sure to tune in for the next episode of the Aftershoot podcast.
Lilly Red
Justin Benson
Thanks for tuning in to after the shoot. Got any burning questions for today's guest, or just want to keep the conversation going? Drop us a comment if you're on YouTube or join the Aftershoot community to share your thoughts. You can find the link in the description. Make sure you subscribe to get notified as soon as we drop the next episode. And trust me, you don't want to miss it. And if you like this episode, I'd love it if you gave us a rating or a view on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you're watching this podcast. See you next time.
Episode 1: Cassidy Lynne
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